Making Wine: It’s easier than you think

We endeavor to make wine making simple and offer flexible scheduling.Vintage Wine Press

At Grapes N’ Barrels making your own private label premium wine is neither complex nor time nor labor intensive. Based on your varietal (wine) choice and your schedule, our winemaking sessions can be as flexible as you would like them to be. Bottom line: If you have an interest and desire in making your own private label wines, Grapes N’ Barrels makes it easy for you.

At Grapes N’ Barrels you can make your wine any time of the year. Minimal time is required. Sessions are based on your schedule. You can be as ‘hands-on’ as you want to.

Time Required: Four Simple Steps…or less

Create your own private label wine in 4-5 hours of hands-on winemaking.

As a premier New Jersey Winemaking ‘Hands-On’ Winery, Grapes N’ Barrels fully engages its participants in the basic aspects of the wine making process. All wines are made following four hands-on, fairly simple, activity-based ‘Winemaking Sessions’ that include:

Session Task Duration Goal
Session I Crushing Grapes 1 hr to primary fermentation
Session II Pressing Grapes 1 hr to secondary fermentation
Session III Racking Wine 1 hr to aging your wine
Session IV Bottling/Labeling 1 hr+ to enjoying your wine

While the Four-Session process highlights participant hands-on activities, winemaking involves careful fermentation steps and frequent monitoring which is handled by the Grapes N’ Barrels Staff. Thus, your time-line for producing a premium wine spans the time required for proper wine aging. See Grapes N’ Barrels Winemaking Methodology.

Winemaking is fun and we want your session(s) to be anxiously anticipated!